Dental Tips

Dental Tips, Info & tips

Is there anything cuter or more endearing than your baby’s toothless, gummy smile? Maybe there’s a cat video out there that comes close. Or one of those adorable puppies with..

Dental Tips

They grow up so fast, don’t they? One minute, they’re all goo-goo-gaga and gums and the next thing you know, they’re driving themselves off to university and complaining abou

Dental Tips

If you’re anything like us, you’re not particularly fond of bitter, blustery, Baltic winter weather. However, even the greenest Grinch would have to agree that winter sports ar

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

Getting our children into the habit of cleaning their rooms—and keeping them that way for more than five minutes—is a character-building challenge that any parent can relate to

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

There’s something funny about the holidays. We spend most of the year making sure that our children eat healthy foods. We steer them clear of that bag of chips—and then...

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

As parents, we all have had our days where our child refuses to brush their teeth. It can almost feel like nothing will motivate them to take care of their...

Dental Tips, Info & tips

According to the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) and Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD), the delivery of special care dentistry is a common concern for parents

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

While it may be unheard of amongst your family and friends, some children DO take to their hygiene habits quite seriously from an early age. Obviously, not a habit that we...

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

Did you know that babies can develop a habit of sucking their thumbs or fingers before they’re even born? One of human’s natural reflexes, sucking is an involuntary response to

Child Dentistry, Dental Tips

Difficult to ignore, humans can seemingly catch a whiff of bad breath from a room away. While we may be able to avoid the malodour of a client or passerby,...

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