My Child Has Bad Breath
Our Dental Blog | Child Dentistry, Dental Tips | 07.06.2020
Our Dental Blog | Child Dentistry, Dental Tips | 07.06.2020
Difficult to ignore, humans can seemingly catch a whiff of bad breath from a room away. While we may be able to avoid the malodour of a client or passerby, bad breath, also known as Halitosis, becomes a bigger nuisance when you can’t hide away from it – like with a spouse or child.
In moments like these, it is best to let your loved ones know about their rancid breath to save them some embarrassment. Especially considering that it is difficult to monitor one’s own breath.
However, if your child has frequent bad breath, it might be a sign of a much bigger issue. Let’s go through what causes bad breath (halitosis), how to treat it, and where to reach out for a solution.
Halitosis is common among children. This isn’t because their bodies are more susceptible to bacteria or that their mouth biomes are adjusting, but simply because children aren’t the best brushers.
Who is to blame them? They are learning after all!
But beyond poor dental hygiene and its inevitable plaque buildup, halitosis has a surprising number of drivers. Even with optimal oral hygiene, your child can still experience stinky breath.
So, what can cause bad breath?
As you can see, there are innumerous conditions that cause our mouths to excrete a less than favourable odour. It is up to you and your dentist to uncover what might be the source of your child’s chronic bad breath.
First off, the initial solution for halitosis should be to look at dental hygiene technique (don’t forget the tongue!), diet, and habits. If your child just wets their brush and hides away from taking care of their smile, it is to no surprise that they would have bad breath.
But if halitosis is chronic, despite brushing and flossing, you will want to see a dentist as soon as possible to uncover the underlying cause.
Some bad breath catalysts will be worse than others, but it is never recommended to leave the issue to fester.
If your dentist cannot find the root cause of your child’s bad breath, the next step is generally being referred to as an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor – or ENT for short).
These doctors are specialized in dealing with diseases and conditions that affect our fundamental life sustaining-skills (eating, breathing, etc.). With their specialization comes a whole lot of equipment that dentists simply don’t have.
If referred to an ENT, they will primarily be concerned with conditions such as tonsillitis, post-nasal drip, sinusitis, rhinitis, and many other diseases that deal with the nose and throat.
Depending on the severity, an ENT’s solution might be antibiotic treatments to surgery.
Sometimes the problem is out of our hands. When it comes to oral health, that is why you trust the professionals.
Treehouse Dental Care has helped countless children and teens better their oral health, bringing confidence into their everyday!
If your child suffers from chronic halitosis, give us a call and Treehouse Dental Care team will get to the bottom of it!