Our Dental Blog

Child Dentistry

All dentists are qualified to care for your oral health. But when it’s time to start taking your child to the dentist — which should be by their first birthday...

Child Dentistry

The journey to getting a complete set of teeth is a fairly long one, taking between 15 and 25 years from birth to when your wisdom teeth — or third...

Child Dentistry

When we think of cavities and tooth decay, we automatically think of the lack of brushing and flossing, especially with kids who are still learning good oral hygiene habits. But...

Child Dentistry

We all know how hard it is to stay away from chocolates and candy — after all, who can resist their sweet, delicious taste? This can be a struggle for...

Child Dentistry

High-quality orthodontic care is key in the quest for healthy teeth and gums. Children can greatly benefit from the expertise of an orthodontist, who can help you address a number.

Child Dentistry

It’s never too early to instill good habits when it comes to oral hygiene. One of the best ways to ensure your child’s teeth remain strong and healthy is to...

Child Dentistry

Everyone needs to see the dentist no matter their age, but for children, it’s especially important during their formative years. While many parents think that it’s convenient t

Child Dentistry

You might think that dentists sound like broken records when they say that daily brushing and flossing must be supported by periodic visits to the dentist for regular cleanings. Bu

Info & tips

Babies love their pacifiers. They’re soothing, help them to relax, get to sleep, and stop fussing. But as babies get older and develop teeth, it’s time to start thinking about.

Child Dentistry

Having healthy teeth is so important, both for children and for adults. Kids are every bit as prone to oral health issues as adults, so early dental check-ups are crucial. It’s.

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